The House Cup

Past Champions

2018-2019 Slytherin

2019-2020 Hufflepuff

2020-2021 Hufflepuff

Welcome to Hogwarts! Over the course of the school year, students will be competing for the House Cup. This is the award presented to the house that has earned the most house points throughout the year.

During the first week of school, students will be randomly sorted into one of our four houses: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, or Slytherin. Houses are permanent for the year; however, Mr. Crocker does hold the power to move students if needed. From then on, students can earn house points for just about anything Mr. Crocker sees fit. This could include getting an "A" on a test, answering questions in class, or being an overall helpful student in class. Students also can earn points outside of class by doing things such as doing well in extracurricular activities, helping others in the hallway or other times at school, or being helpful in other teachers' classrooms.

Students can also lose points for negative actions such as not paying attention in class, intentionally misbehaving, or any other instances that may come up.

At the end of the school year, the winning house will be awarded the House Cup, trophies of their own, and honored with a celebration in class.

Good luck to all students!