This week's Spelling Words and Secret Story:

Spelling Procedures: Every Monday, we will take a pretest. Students are to highlight the first five words they miss and write them on the back of their newsletters. If students fail to write down their words, they'll have to study all of the words or ask to borrow their pretest again. If a student is absent, they will do the first 5 words.

4/25 - 4/29

  1. soon

  2. mean

  3. state

  4. myself

  5. nothing

  6. wheel

  7. whine

  8. whisk

  9. whisker

  10. whimper

  11. habitat

  12. ecosystems

  13. population

  14. carnivore

  15. herbivore

Words with secret story:






Previous Secret Stories

Superhero Vowels: Video

Mommy E

i Tries e On for Size

Two Vowels Go a Walkin'

al shouts "AAALLLL!"

er/ir/ur are terrible drivers

au and aw have crushes on each other so they say "awwww"

ow and ou play too rough and say "ow" or "oh!" if they see Superhero O fly by

oo pretends to be an owl and says "ooo"

These letters are afraid of mice and say "EEEUUU!"

One letter is shy and the other is not

These two letters prank call Mr. F and say "ffff"