Conduct Expectations

On Team 6-1 students are expected to:

  • Be on time to class

  • Be ready to learn (To include ID, pencil, chromebook, and materials specific to each content area)

  • Bring a charged chromebook every day

  • Be kind and respectful to all staff and students

Students are expected to follow all policies and procedures in the student handbook. Students displaying exemplary behavior and choices are rewarded with CATS way tickets, which are drawn at lunch for prizes each day.

As a team, we will follow the school's discipline code, including assigning points for discipline infractions. When a discipline slip is given to a student, they should return it, signed by a parent/guardian, as soon as possible. If the slip is lost, a parent may write a note or send an email stating that they saw the slip, who it was from, and what the discipline infraction was. If the slip is not returned, a 1.2 day of In School Suspension (ISS) is assigned.

We encourage all of our students to make positive choices each and every day!