General Class Information

Materials needed:

  • Graph Ruled Notebook
  • Headphones
  • Colored Pencils
  • Expo Markers/Eraser
  • Mouse for Chromebook

Teacher Wishlist for class

  • Kleenex
  • Paper towels
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Colored Printer Paper
  • Expo Markers

Grading Procedures

Calculation of Grades:

Major (Test): 50%

Minor (Quizzes): 30%

Assignments (HW/CW): 20%

Grading Scale:

A: 90 - 100

B: 80 - 89

C: 70 - 79

D: 60 - 60

F: 59 and below

Homework Policy

To provide extra practice and mastery of skills, homework is given Monday through Thursday. Students should record daily assignments in an appropriate location. Homework grade reflects completeness. Problems are gone over in class, and students are expected to make their own corrections.

Missed Work / Make-up Policy

Students have five school days to make up tests or quizzes missed during an excused absence. It is the student’s responsibility to ask the teacher when tests and quizzes can be made up. Please check the class calendar to keep up to date with missed assignments.

Rules for Student Behavior

1. Enter the room in a quiet and orderly manner.

2. Be seated and prepared to begin class promptly.

3. Bring all necessary materials and completed assignments. (Pencils are to be sharpened before class.)

4. Follow directions the first time they are given.

5. Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking or leaving your seat.

6. Show respect and consideration for others.

7. No gum, candy food, drink, or hats allowed.

8. Obey all school and team rules.

Consequences for Violating Class/School Rules

1st offense: Student warning.

2nd offense: Parent contact.

3rd offense: Administrative referral.

Severity Clause:

Severe disruptions or violations will be referred immediately to an administrator. Steps start over second semester.


Tutoring is offered every week. The student will need to contact the teacher to arrange a time for tutoring.