Homework Policy

Homework may be assigned Monday- Friday.

Students will be expected to complete all homework. 

Missed Work/Make-up 

Only work missed due to excused absences may be made up. Students are expected to have all make-up work completed in the number of days absent plus one.

Expectations for Student Behavior

Refer to the student/parent handbook for school wide rules. Students are expected to follow the expectations posted in the classroom.

Parent Communication

Each week I post the weekly updates on the website. This includes school reminders, weekly reminders, and information about tests and quizzes. Communication folders are sent home each day. These folders contain completed work, notes home, and school information.

Behavior and Rewards

We operate on a positive reinforcement system. Students are expected to follow our class rules and procedures and will be positively reminded if they forget a rule. Parents will be contacted as necessary. 

As students exhibit good behavior, they will move their clip up. Students that do not end the day with a clip moved down for behavior will have the opportunity to visit our treasure box or classroom coupon Box on Fridays. This allows them to pick from a variety of rewards.