Mauldin Mavericks

Shelly Sands

Room A105

864-355-6614 (voice mail)


History 201 - 202 & US History

1ST:   US History 202: 1877 to Present

2ND: US History H

3RD:  US History CP

                      D Lunch

4TH:    Planning 

Office Hours: I am available before Monday through Friday. Please just let me know ahead of time when you would like to meet. You can email me or set up a time during class.

Dear Parents,

       I would like to welcome your son/daughter to Mauldin High for the 2023-2024 school year. I’m looking forward to learning, sharing and growing along with your child. I expect each student to put forth their very best effort in keeping up with their daily assignments and class participation. Classroom activities will begin with End of Course Practice Questions and then include a variety of the following: note taking, lectures, readings, working with maps & political cartoons, individual and cooperative activities and assignments, class discussions, quizzes, tests, and/or technology assignments. Textbooks will be available online and to individual students as needed.

       The best way to reach me is by email and I will respond within 24 hours. However, you may also leave a message on my school voice mail 355-6614. 

** Please check the weekly planner for assessment due dates.

** Power School will allow guardians to have access to their child's grades, discipline, and attendance throughout the year. Guardians just need to contact guidance. 

** NO CELL PHONES will be used in my class. Using cell phones, even checking parent text DURING CLASS will result in a warning, 2nd time is a referral.

** Please remind your child attendance and participation are critical to success in this class.

Please feel free to contact me at any time. Have a great day and hopefully a great year,

Coach Sands

I love spending time out side, especially with my fur babies or my cross country girls.