Our Schedule

Russo 3K Daily Class Schedule:

AM Class!

7:15: Students can begin arriving in class.

7:15-7:50: Check-In time: put up book bags, sign in, bathroom, eat breakfast

7:45 The School Day Begins

7:50-8:20: Circle Time with Group Reading

8:20-8:40: Read It Once Activity

8:40- 9:20 Plan/Work Time/Clean-up/Review (Students will work on IEP work)

9:20-9:25: Bathroom/prepare to go outside

9:25-9:45: Physical Activity Time

9:45-9:55: Juice Time Pack-up/potty/wash hands

9:55-10:10 Bebo Time to learn Core Words

10:15: 3k Goes Home/Class Ends

PM Class!

11:30: Students can begin arriving in class.

11:30-11:45: Check-In time: put up book bags, sign in, bathroom, eat lunch

11:45: Class Begins

11:45-12:15: Circle Time with Group Reading

12:15-12:35: Read It Once Activity

12:35- 1:15: Plan/Work Time/Clean-up/Review (Students will work on IEP work)

1:15-1:20: Bathroom/prepare to go outside

1:20-1:45: Physical Activity Time

1:45-2:00: Juice Time Pack-up/potty/wash hands

2:00-2:15 Bebo Time to learn Core Words

2:15: 3k Goes Home/The School Days End

*Children will be changed throughout the day as needed.

**The schedule is subject to change at any time.

We are going to be challenging your children daily through active circle times, center time, hands-on class activities, individual goals, and therapies. For curriculum, we will be using a mixture of Read It Again Curriculum, individual goal instruction, High Scope Curriculum, iLEARN Social/Emotional Curriculum, and Core Word Vocabulary Curriculum. We will focus on a book a month with the Read It Once Curriculum. Our first book will be in September.