Equipment Needs/Wants

Please consider donating to the Greer Speed & Strength Program, by way of funds or equipment, to help us replace and upgrade our current equipment. We are also in need of purchasing specialty pieces of equipment. Specialty equipment will allow us to make training more safe, sport specific, and athlete specific. Specialty bars allow us to keep athletes in safer positions during max-effort lifts. For example, the safety squat bar will allow the athlete to keep a more upright posture taking pressure off of the low back while building the legs and it allows the shoulders and elbows to be in a safer position. Our number one rule is "do no harm." An athlete should not be injured in training. Equipment like the "Iron Neck" has been shown to decrease the risk of concussion by improving neck strength. Glute-Ham Developers help to keep the posterior chain and hamstrings strong and reduce the risk of knee injuries.

Every piece of equipment that we buy has a purpose and will be used accordingly. Collecting dust is not one of those things.