
Paxton's Cosmetology

Here at Enoree Career Center our Mission is to Empower Young Aspiring individuals with a craft so that they can empower our Future world. Our Cosmetology Programs offer an exciting innovative way of "Hands On Learning" that will not only allow our students to become Future Cosmetologist but build a foundation of soft skills that will enable them to be an asset to any work force.

AM Class: 8:45am-11:35 am

PM Class: 12:35 pm-3:25 pm

My office hours: 8:00 am-8:45 am, 3:20 pm-4:00 pm



864.355.7415 864.355.7445

Student's can receive extra hours on Monday nights(excluding Holiday's or TWDs) from 4:30-7:30pm

Designated Saturdays or Sundays from 9:00am-1:00pm

Also extra hours can be received from 7:30-8:30 AM Monday- Friday