
General Terms

Analog clock - a round clock with bars called "hands" that rotate to different numbers to indicate the passage of time, often placed in classrooms to taunt students

Bona fide - Latin phrase meaning true or real

Colon - (1) A punctuation mark that indicates a list will follow, (2) the large intestine, part of the digestive tract that removes water for use by the body

Comma - A punctuation mark that separates incomplete thoughts or items in a list

Glossary - a dictionary defining terms used in the text; some terms may have multiple definitions that are separated by semi-colons and indicated with numbers in parentheses

Parentheses - A set of punctuation marks that usually contain examples or extra thoughts within the symbols ( and )

Punctuation - Marks or characters that separate words and express the completion of a thought

Semi-colon - A punctuation mark with a period above a comma (;) used to separate complete, related thoughts

Text - (1) words or symbols that is written or typed; (2) a source of information, usually containing words;(3) a message sent from from cellular device to another, which is generally banned during class and driving

Functional Terms

Create -

Evaluate -

Explore -

Investigate -

Solve -

Mathematical Terms

Circle -

Line -

Line Segment -

Point -