About Me

I am a native Greenvillian. I have been employed in the field of education for a number of years. I received my undergraduate degree from Regent University in Virginia Beach, VA with a B.A. Degree in Biblical Studies. As if I didn't have enough of burning midnight oil from cramming, studying and writing endless essays, I went on to earn my Masters in Ministry from Anderson University in Anderson, SC. I currently serve as the district liaison for the South Carolina Association of Educational Office Professionals (SCAEOP). Aside from being a proud falcon, one of the things I enjoy most in my profession is serving as a consultant/coach/planner: Weddings, Ministries, Churches.

I love . . .

. . . my daughters

. . . my beautiful grand daughter

. . . my son

. . . my handsome grandson!

I enjoy . . .

. . . singing

. . . writing

. . . and I especially enjoy