Academic expectations

Grading policy and assessment:

A= 90-100

B= 80-89

C= 70-79

D= 60-69

F= 0-59

Per Quarter: Major assessments: 60% (3-4)

Minor assessments: 40% (9-12)

Attendance Policy:

School policy: To receive credit for a course, students must not miss more than 10 days as well as meet the minimum requirements for the course.

If you miss a class, you MUST make up your work.

Materials needed:

  • Binder
  • Paper
  • Writing utensil

Academic and Behavioral expectations:

In addition to the school's guidelines that are to be found in the student handbook, students will be expected to follow this set of rules:

- Respect everybody in the class

- Take their own responsibility

- Always have their materials

- Always be prepared to work

- Stay in their seats until dismissed by the teacher

- No food/drink in the classroom

- No cellphones or electronic devices allowed

- Always have a positive attitude towards work