Routines and Procedures

Basic Classroom Informatiom

·         Folders

Your child will bring home a folder that should be checked daily. Please clean out the folder and return to school the following day. Use this folder when sending in lunch money, notes, etc. We will check them every morning. However, please label the money in either an envelope or baggie with your child’s name and how the money should be used. The snack/behavior calendar should remain stapled in your child's folder. The behavior code is green for great day, yellow for warning, and red for a note home. 

·         Transportation Home from School

If a change in dismissal transportation is needed, it must be submitted to the teacher in writing. Students will be sent home according to their usual dismissal procedures unless there is a written notification signed by the child’s parent. The office will not allow us to accept changes in transportation by phone or email messages. 

·         Towels/blankets

These will be used for quiet time each day your child attends school. Please leave in your child's bookbag so they can have them for quiet time. 

·         Change of Clothes

Please send in a change of clothes in the bag that was sent home with your child. This will stay at school and help us to be prepared in the case of an accident. 

·         Snack

Please refer to the snack schedule that was sent home and send in enough snack for the entire class (23 students) on your assigned day.