IB Math: Applications and Interpretation SL 2

I am so excited you are taking IB Math this year!  This course will take you through most of the functions you learned in Algebra 1, 2, and Precalculus and applies it to many different applications.  We will also dive into some Probability and Statistics, as well as Calculus.  

Below you will find a lot of information about this class.  There is a syllabus, a way to sign up for remind 101 so you can contact me safely after school, a link to the standards, and resources that could be helpful to you throughout the year.  Directly below you will see my tutoring schedule for this year.  I can only meet in the mornings which I know doesn't work for everyone.  We will be doing so many things IN CLASS that hopefully I can answer any questions or straighten out any misunderstandings while you are in my classroom.  If not, here is when I am available as well as information about after school tutoring in the media center. 

Tutoring Schedule:  I will be available every Tuesday and Friday mornings from 8:00 - 8:30.  Students who want to come to tutoring will have to let me know they are coming the day before so I can write them a pass.  If they do not have a pass, they won't be allowed to come to my room from the commons.  All students are offered free tutoring after school in the media center from 4-6pm.  Most days, two math teachers will be available to them.  I completely trust the math teachers at Woodmont to help them in any way during the after school hours.  

IB Math Apps Syllabus 2023-2024.doc


The course content, grading policies, makeup/late work policies, tutoring scheduling are all within the syllabus. 

Remind Info.pdf

Remind 101

Want to get reminders about when assessments will happen, reminders for classwork due, and be able to communicate via text with Mrs. Sexton when you're working on math at home?  Sign up for remind 101 by clicking the file above.  It will allow us to communicate without exchanging numbers and it is the easiest way to get in touch with me when we're not at school. 


Desmos Graphing Calculator - Free online graphing calculator you can use at home

Mr. Flynn's IB - This is a youtube channel that has all things IB Math.  Great teacher!

Revision Village - Another youtube channel with all things IB Math. Short and sweet videos!

Oxford Study Course - Specific for IB Math AI SL, same publisher as the textbook that we use in clas

Mathematics - Application and Interpretation - Syllabus.pdf

IB Math: Apps/Int SL Standards

Ever wondered how we as teachers figure out what we have to teach in order to prepare you for the exam?  We look at the standards given for that class.  To the left you see the standards for the Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation.  These are the things we will be learning this year.  You will also see standards for the HL class.  These are things that you could think about how these topics could be extended past what you'll learn within this class.