Multi-Cat Syllabus

Ms. Elseth’s and Ms. Carr’s Classes 


Mrs. Elseth -  355-8554

Ms. Carr -   355-8538

Google Classroom will be your greatest asset for staying up to date. Check out the calendar feature for daily homework updates & classwork assignments. 

Backpack is also an essential tool for accessing your grades, schedule, and attendance.


Woodmont Middle School students all have access to individual Chromebooks. Chromebooks are used every day so it is essential that they are well charged and ready to go. Please help your student remember to fully charge their Chromebook before the school day.

E-Learning/ Virtual

On days when students are working virtually, they are expected to log in to each class during the scheduled times and complete all assignments. 

Students are expected to participate in any scheduled Google Meets. 

Attendance is taken for each class daily. 

All scheduled meetings will be communicated through Google Classroom and/or student email. 


Students are expected to follow all school and classroom rules. School rules can be found in the WMS Student Handbook on our School Website. 

Our classroom rules are: 

Given that many of our students have difficulty with processing, impulse control, and memory, we offer chances for students to make smart choices in following the rules. However, if a behavior breaks a school rule or continues after chances are given, a consequence will be given in accordance with the unique learning needs of each student (and their IEPs, when applicable). 


New this year the for the Multi-Cat classrooms: Students will participate in a year-long economy unit in which students earn class money. The purpose of this unit is to teach money management skills and provide real-life functional curriculum opportunities. Each week (pay period), students earn money for classroom jobs. At the end of each week, students will have opportunities to save or spend their class money. Bonuses maybe available for random students as well as those who go “above and beyond” at their classroom job.  Starting in September, students will also pay monthly “expenses” (rent and utilities) to mimic real life financial activities.


Please note that this is NOT a behavior management system or tied to a student’s behavior.  The idea is to get away from a “reward” based mindset for students to expect things in return whenever they follow instructions.  Instead we would like to focus on getting the money into their hands in a fair way that isn’t based on behavior or skill, and then allowing them opportunities to build their money management skills 


All grades received in our classrooms are based on a modified curriculum. Students are given work according to their levels. 

 Major Assessments 50% Minor Assessments 50%

Major Assessments: Major assessments include tests, quizzes, formal writing, projects, or culminating products. There will be at least 3 each 9 weeks.

Minor Assessments: Minor assessments will include classwork, participation, and informal presentations. There will be at least 8 each 9 weeks. 

Make-up Work:  It is the responsibility of each student to inquire about make-up work upon returning from an absence.  Students must also check google classroom for classwork and information for any days missed.

School to Home Communication

It is imperative that we have a working phone number and active email address for parents/guardians of our students. 

Google Classroom, Parent and Student Backpack Accounts, the WMS Website, the district website, school recorded phone calls, school emails, and the school Facebook Page are all utilized to communicate with parents. Please make sure you are staying up to date with all communications as things can change quickly!