About Me

Meet Mrs. Shannon Miller

Hello! My name is Shannon Miller, and I am excited to be your teacher this year. I live in Simpsonville with my husband, Brad. We have three children: Callie, Mariana, and Bryce. Callie is a Clemson University graduate and an English teacher at Mauldin High School. Mariana earned her graduate degree from Kennesaw State and lives in Florida, working with prosthetics and orthotics. Bryce graduated from the University of South Carolina and works in finance in New Orleans, Louisiana. Brad and I share our home with a Teacup Yorkie named Nokie and a Pomeranian named Nacho. We also have two grand-fur babies, Toast and Henley. We are proud of all of our children and love our fur babies.

I graduated from Clemson University in 1992 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education. I also hold a Master of Arts degree in Special Education from Furman University. I started my teaching career as a resource teacher at Simpsonville Elementary School in 1993. After spending two great years at SES, I taught first grade at Mauldin Elementary School for five years. I was honored to be named Distinguished Reading Teacher of the Year in 1999 and Teacher of the Year in 2000. These recognitions marked a wonderful end to my time at Mauldin.

After staying home with my daughter for four years, I returned to Simpsonville Elementary School in 2004. I taught second grade for fifteen years and received the WYFF Golden Apple Award in 2013. This year, I'm working with small groups of elementary students and have been teaching for twenty-eight years. Simpsonville Elementary is a wonderful place to teach, and I'm fortunate to be part of a team that "seals" the future!Â