Knowing the Terms

Helpful Tips

Study Habits 

Students should be studying daily, even if a formal homework assignment has not been assigned.  The students are given information daily and they should be reviewing that days lesson to ensure understanding and comprehension of standard objectives.  When studying you should only speed an average of 15 min. reviewing information daily so that you don't overwhelm yourself with information and facts.  Also have someone ask you questions so that you are able to talk about what you have learned.  If you talk about the lesson of the day with someone everyday that is the same as speeding time studying, it will help you retain information and remember facts easily.  

Face Time Study Buddy 

This is a new technique that I have found that students do without even knowing they are doing it. "Face Time Study Buddy," is a simple way to check for understanding of a concept. Simply select someone to talk to and sit face to face and discuss a key topic that you learned in class for that day or even a vocabulary word that you need to review. Having that small amount of face time helps develop more that just retention of facts but it allows one to work on conversation, eye contact, tone, language, and it allows you to correct mistakes within your explanation. This gives the person that you are speaking with a chance to ask questions and to check for clarity in your statements. This is an awesome way to study and to learn how to talk to people. 

5 Minute Conversation

This study tip is something that you can do at dinner or in the car home from school, just take 5 minutes and talk about what you learned in class for that day. The natural order of the conversation should allow the other person a chance to ask questions, these simple questions should give you an opportunity to explain, describe, and evaluate the topic giving you a better understand of what you have learned.  

Concept Organizers 

Concept charts are a great way to organize your thought and pull out just the information that you need. If you are not a person who can sit and take formal notes then try using various charts to help you learn only what is needed.