Important Information For Parents

Classroom Needs:

We will be thankful for everything you do. Here is a list of items we need for our students:

* Headphones

* Command Hooks

* Copy Paper (for computer)

* Skittles

* Plain M & M's

* Snacks

* Ziploc Bags

Field Trip Information:

  • All school trips must be properly chaperones.
  • All parents are encouraged to complete a chaperone application and get cleared in the front office with their ID in order to chaperon a field trip. This must be completed 2 weeks prior to field trip.
  • All chaperones must be cleared for each field trip. You must be cleared as a 2nd level volunteer (Volunteer II)
  • If a parent has not been cleared in time to go on a field trip, they will not be able to chaperone the trip. This includes meeting us at the desired location.
  • Chaperones must pay to go on all field trips that require a fee.

Grading Scale:

A= 90 - 100

B= 80 - 89

C= 70 - 79

D= 60 - 69

  • I do not plan to give much homework. However, I will encourage parents to ask their child to read to you for 15 minutes every day. For students who are currently in kindergarten parents may read to them and ask their child to retell the story in their words.