Benefits of Reading

"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one."

--George R.R. Martin

Step away from the phone. Step away from the video game. Step away from the television. Go READ a book!!! Why should you read? I could go on for years.... but keep reading below to find out! (A handful of reasons are listed below in no particular order....)

Reading reduces stress. It takes you out of your current life and transports you into another world. Sometimes it is healthy to stop thinking about your current situation and place your thoughts elsewhere. Reading puts you in a place mentally where you don't have to think about what is going on around you. Studies even prove that reading lowers your heart rate and reduces blood pressure.

When you read a book, it helps you become more empathetic towards people. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. A good book will show you the different sides to everyone involved in the story. You are able to relate to different perspectives and situations that you would not otherwise learn about.

Reading makes you SMART! Who doesn't want to be smart? You should want to be the smartest person you know. When you read, you are always learning something new, even if it doesn't feel like it. Just reading for fun will increase your vocabulary and teach you about things you would not know otherwise. Even reading fiction will make you a smarter person... and it is FUN!

Reading will automatically make you a better writer. This is like magic. You don't even have to write, but just reading will drastically improve your writing skills without even trying. Why? When you read, you are reading the work of authors who are experts at writing. It gets in your head. When you read good writing, you know good writing. This makes you a better writer. SWEET!

Reading gives you POWER! Why? Well... you can read anywhere. You can pretty much take a book anywhere. People tend to leave you alone when you are reading. People think people who read are smart. (And I would have to agree...). This gives you the upper hand. Most of all, reading gives you power because when you are a reader, you are automatically smarter than the average person who sits around watching T.V. or playing games all day. You will even be smarter than people who may work hard, but do not read. You WILL be smarter than the average person, even if you are an avid reader who just enjoys fiction. Trust me on this one. Readers go places in life.

Do you think there are more benefits to reading? I would love to hear them!