Important information to note

Grading Scale

A = 90-100

B = 80-89

C = 70-79

D = 60-69

F = 0-59

Major Assessments: 60% (minimum 3-4)

Minor Assessments: 40% (minimum 12)

Midterm exam = 20% of first semester grade

Final exam = 20% of yearly grade

**Late work will be accepted but with a penalty. Ten points will be deducted each day an assignment is late. (Ex: 2L=2 days late; actual grade 93-2L=73)

Once an assignment has been graded and returned, late work is only worth half credit based on the actual grade earned. (Ex: L/HC=Late-Half credit; actual grade 88 L/HC=44)

Expected return time for graded work:

Minor - 5 school days from due date

Major - 10 school days from due date

If you have concerns about a grade received on an assignment or questions or concerns about when an assignment will be graded, please email your comments to me and allow up to 48 hr for your concern(s) to be addressed.

Cheating/Plagiarism – Any student found guilty of cheating will be given a zero on the work. Cheating includes “giving help” on a test or assignment as well as “receiving help” on an assignment or test. Plagiarism is a form of cheating.

  • Cheating includes “providing answers” on a test or assignment as well as “receiving answers” on an assignment or test.

  • Please note that if receiving clarification or assistance on an assignment, parties involved are expected to respond using their own ideas and in their own manner, i.e. voice, structure, etc.

Attendance – The school year is 180 days. Each student is allowed to miss 10 days for this course. Any absence above the 10 days limit must be medically excused or administratively excused. Absences in excess of 10 days without an appropriate excuse will result in the student receiving no credit for the course. Seat time recovery may or may not be available. This policy applies to virtual/eLearning as well. Be certain to complete the daily attendance to receive credit for online learning.

Make-up Work – Each student is responsible for obtaining his/her make-up assignments from Google Classroom. Students Questions pertaining to makeup work should be emailed to the teacher with the student's period noted in the subject line. During class time is not an appropriate time to approach the teacher for make-up assignments. All make-up work must be completed within five consecutive school days. See student handbook for additional information regarding make-up work.

Materials needed

  1. Chromebook

  2. Writing utensil

  3. Spiral notebook


  1. Be prepared with all materials for class

  2. Be seated and ready to work when the tardy bell rings

  3. Cell phones should not be used unless otherwise directed by your teacher

  4. Students should remain on task the entire period

  5. Be respectful in your responses, actions, and communications

  6. Please no eating in class. Beverages must be in contained in a bottle with a twist top.


1. Be Prompt: On time for class

2. Be Prepared: Have what you need

3. Be Productive: Work diligently on your assignments

4. Be Polite: Be respectful in communications and actions

5. Be Patient: Listen to the speaker and wait for your chance to speak

*all school wide rules apply at all times

**** As hard as it will be, SHS has made the commitment to go paperless. This means if you have circumstances that make it challenging to do work at home (no internet, you will need to download work on the days that you are in the building or find a way to be online in order to do work. Please communicate this with me or have a parent/guardian contact me in order to make accommodations. *****

*all school wide rules apply at all times*


  1. Verbal warning

  2. Parent contact

  3. Referral/ removal from class

*dangerous or extremely disruptive behavior will result in an immediate removal from class*