Supply List

Mrs. Sulau’s Supply List 

First Grade 2023-2024


Essential Items:

1 Set of Headphones (not earbuds or Bluetooth)* 

24 SHARPENED #2 Pencils

4 Boxes of 24 Count CRAYOLA Crayons*

3 Glue Sticks (large)

2 Boxes of Facial Tissues

1 Composition Book (not spiral)*

Items used in Mrs. Sulau’s Classroom:

1 clipboard*

1 container of Lysol wipes

1 backpack*

2 packs of 3x5 index cards

1 pack of washable markers

1 pair of Fiskars scissors


Most Important: Items marked with a * are the most important items on the supply list.  Please write your child's name on the composition notebook, clipboard, and Ziploc bag that contains your child's headphones ONLY.

 Wish List Items: Snacks, treasure chest prizes, individually wrapped candy, and bubble gum.  I also have an Amazon wish list you can access from my class web site.

 Questions? Please feel free to email me at