Graphic Design


Graphic Design Syllabus

Parent Letter

Parent Letter with Behavior Contract

Welcome to Graphic Design!

In this course, students will learn the basics of Graphic Design. This course will require that your student has their Chromebook charged and ready to go every day! Please encourage them to charge their device nightly.

To receive Remind messages, text @7thgart to 81010

eLearning Plans are found below. Students will have access to the documents in Google Classroom. Please let me know if there are any questions.

Graphic Design Curriculum

Graphic Arts Curriculum
Graphic Design eLearning Plans

eLearning Day 1-10

March 18-April 2

April 1-10 Graphic Design eLearning Plans

eLearning Day 11-20

April 3-April 9 & April 20-24


April 10- April 19

April 27-May 1 Graphic Design eLearning Plans

eLearning Day 21-25

April 27 - May 1

May 4-8 Graphic Design eLearning Plans

eLearning Day 26-30

May 4-8

Teacher Appreciation Week