
Image of students performing "Rivers of Love" by student composer Emma Wise
Image of a student performing "Brocken" by student composer Ali Jennings
Students perform "The Chronicles" by student composer Caleb Jiva

The Fine Arts Center Living Music Society

The Living Music Society at the Fine Arts Center is a volunteer, not-for-credit group of composers and performers passionate about music in the 21st century. The group meets after school every other week during the school year, during which participants bring whatever projects they are working on and are coached with possible improvements and presentations are offered on elements of composition as a craft and a career.

One of the focuses of the group is preparation for the annual concert: The Next Generation: A Concert of Creative Minds, which features new student works performed by students and faculty. In the 2021-22 year, this event also included interdisciplinary participation by members of the Creative Writing and Theatre Production & Design programs of the FAC. This group is mentored by Samuel Hunter, the Fine Arts Center Composer-in-Residence and Theory instructor.

Help is available for students wishing to write arrangements for their bands, school groups, or other FAC classes.