Ms. Wilbanks' ELA

Welcome to 7th grade ELA!!!

Stayed tuned to this page for upcoming announcements and assignments.

textstructure (1).ppt
Text Features.pptx
Using Text Evidence to Support Your Answers (3).ppt
Author's Purpose.ppt
GP 4 Complex Sentences (1).pptx
Denotation and Connotation PPT 2013.ppt
Fact and Opinion.ppt


1. Continue to study your science stems and vocabulary and your social studies stems.

2. Charge your Chromebook.

3. Bring your Chromebook, bell ringer/literature notebook, stems/grammar notebook, and your SSR book to class everyday!

Quizlet for Words of the Week 1-10

Link to Quizlet for Science Stems 1-10

Link to Quizlet for Social Studies Stems ONLY 1-40

SCIENCE Stems 1-25

1. Non- not



Nonfiction-not made up; real

2. Com/ Con- with or together

Compound- a substance made when elements that are different chemically combine - H2O

Combination- two or more things together

“Combo Meal”

Connect- to put together

3. Hetero- different

Heterogeneous Mixture- type of mixture where the substances are not evenly mixed- you can still see the different substances separately

(seeds from the fruit of a watermelon; bowl of cold cereal and milk; pens,pencils, and books in your bookbag)

4. Homo- same

Homogeneous Mixture- type of mixture where two or more substances are evenly mixed - you can not tell the substances apart

(sugar in your iced tea after you have stirred it up; Kool-Aid)

5. Phone=to hear

Homophone- two words that sound the same;

bear,bare; night, knight

6. Graph- to write

Homograph- two words that are written the same; dove/dove; wind/wind; tear/tear

7. er/or- makes the word a person

Singer- one who sings

Writer- one who writes

Actor- one who acts

8. Duct- to lead

Conductor- something that can lead electricity through it -

metal; lightning rod

Ductile- can be made into a wire and can be a conductor

Is oxygen ductile? Is copper ductile?

Aqueduct- (do you remember this from 6th gr. SS?)

aqua= water

In Ancient Rome, this led water into the town.

9. Sub- under

Subscript- the baby number in a formula

Script- to write

Subway- a train that runs underground

10. Pseudo- false or fake

Pseudopod- the false foot of an amoeba


Pseudonym- penname; false name writers use

nym= name

Social Studies Stems 1-40

1. Circum- around

Circumnavigation- circling around the globe

Circumvent- to find a way around

Circumference- the distance around a circle

2. Nav- ship

Circumnavigation - circling around the globe

Naval- relating to ships; relating to the Navy

Navigate- plan the route of a ship, aircraft, or other form of transportation using instruments or maps

What technology do you use to navigate today?

synonyms: steer, pilot, guide, direct, helm, captain

"they navigated by the stars"

-ate= to make; -ate makes the word a verb

3. Astro- star

Astrolabe- a device fully developed by Muslims that allowed sailors to use the position of the sun and stars to determine latitude (distance north and south of Equator)

Astronomy- the study of the stars, planets and space

nom= to name

Asterisk - *

4. ism- belief

Colonialism- the belief or policy that one country has the right to take control of another country politically and occupy it with settlers and selfishly benefit financially by making it into a colony

Why is usually good for the mother country and bad for the colony?

Isolationism- a belief or policy of a government to turn inward from the world

5. Migr- wander

Migration- movement of people or animals

The act of wandering- stem definition

Migrant- someone who wanders from place to place

Immigrant- a person who moves to another country to


(not a refugee; fug= flee, so a refugee is someone who flees a country for safety reasons)

6. Tri- three

Triangular trade- in the 1500s, the enslaved Africans became part of this; European trade routes formed a geographical triangle

Triangle - a shape with three angles

Triceratops- a dinosaur with three horns

7. Vert- turn

Convert- people who turn from their original beliefs to the beliefs of another religion or faith

Revert- to turn back to how it used to be

Introvert- a shy person; someone who turns inward

Extrovert- an outgoing person; someone who turns their attention to others

8. Helio- sun

Heliocentric- believing that the sun is the center of our solar system

geo - earth

centri= center

9. Nom- name

Astronomer- a person who studies the stars, planets and space

er - a person

10. Im, In - not, in, into

Import- to carry into the country

port - to carry

11. Ex- out

Export- to carry out of the country

Excommunication- to be thrown out of or exiled from a church or group

12. Port - to carry

Import- to carry into the country

Export - to carry out of the country

13. Graph- to write

Agraphia- a brain disorder that causes a person not to be able to write

Cartographer- someone who makes maps

14. Cracy - government

Aristocracy- a form of government in which power is held

by the nobility

Autocracy- a government in which power rests in the hands of a single leader

auto= self

Democracy- a government in which people hold the


demo= people

15. Inter- Between

Intercept- to come between the sender and the receiver and take what is being sent

Interchangeable Parts- parts that are identical. They will fit into any assembly of the same type. One such part can freely replace another, without any custom fitting.

Interstellar- occurring or situated between stars

stell= star

16. Geo - earth

Geography- writing about the earth’s surface

Geology- the study of the earth’s substance;

ex: minerals, rocks, and fossils

Geothermal- heat produced by the internal heat of the earth

therm= heat

17. Centri - center

Heliocentric - the sun is the center of the solar system

Geocentric- the earth is the center of the solar system

Concentric- shapes that share the same center, larger

shapes surrounding the smaller

18. Dom- rule

Dominate- to rule over

Domestic System- a manufacturing system where workers

make products in their own homes with materials

supplied by the business owners

Predominate- the greater in number or amount

Dominion- sovereignty; control

19. Fic, Fac, Fec - to make

Factory System- a method of production that brought

machines and workers together in one place

Fiction- made up; not real

Fortification- the act of making a defensive wall for

reinforcement to strengthen against an attack

fort= strong

20. Mono- one

Monarchy- one ruler; king, queen, emperor

Monopoly- total control; one person or company owns many properties

(In Britain, the British tried to monopolize the Industrial Revolution, but America stopped them cold in their tracks.)

21. Arch(y) - government

Monarchy- one ruler; king, queen, emperor

Oligarchy - a small group of people have control of the government

Patriarch(y)- the oldest male in a group; early “fathers of the human race” in Biblical times- Abraham, Isaac, Jacob; China has a patriarchal system

Matriarchy- a form of social organization where the oldest female rules

*olig- small

*patri- father

*matri, mater- mother

22. Poly - many

Monopoly - total control; one person or group owns many properties

Polygon- a shape with many angles

Polytheistic- the belief in many gods

-gon= angle

23. Magna - great

Magna Carta - the “great charter” of English liberties, forced from King John in 1215; any law guaranteeing people rights and liberties.

24. Un - not

Unfit - not fit

Unable - not able

25. Pre-before

Preamble - an introduction stating the purposes to be served by government

We the people, In order to form a more perfect union, Establish justice, insure domestic tranquility,

Provide for the common defense,

Promote the general welfare and

Secure the blessings of liberty

To ourselves and our posterity

Do ordain and establish this

Constitution for the United States of America.

Prefix- an affix that comes before the root word

An affix is letters that come at the beginning (prefix) or

end (suffix) of a root word that

changes the meaning of the root word

26. Oligo- small


27. Demo- people


28. Auto- self

Autocracy- a government where power rests in the hands of a single person

Automobile- a vehicle that moves by itself

Autobiography- a book written about yourself; your own life


29. Mob- move

Mobilization- the assembly and movement of troops


30. De- down $$$$

Depression- a period of very low economic activity combined with very high unemployment

Despicable - deserving hatred and contempt; hateful

31. Anti- against

Anti- Semitism – intense dislike and prejudice against the Jewish people

Antibacterial- powerful medicine that fights against the life of a bacterial infection

Antifreeze- a liquid put into a vehicle that keeps the liquids from freezing; against freezing

Antibody- a blood protein that fights against substances that the body recognizes as alien: bacteria, viruses, etc.

32. Cide- kill

Genocide – the killing of a people from the same racial, political, or cultural group

Insecticide- the killing of an insect

Homicide- the killing of a person

Omnicide- the killing of everything

33. Liber- free

Liberate- to make free

ate= to make

Liberty - freedom

34. Holo- whole

Holocaust- the planned destruction of a people

35. Caust – to burn

Holocaust – the planned destruction of a people

Caustic - able to burn

36. Fug- to flee

Fugitive - a person who flees from the law

Refugee- a person who flees to another land to escape persecution (unfair treatment), war, or natural disasters

(this is different than an immigrant who moves to another country to live for reasons that don’t include danger)

37. Dis - apart from; away from

Disconnect-to take apart

38. Proto - first

Prototype- the first type of something

Protocol - the first and most important rules of behavior

39. Multi- many

Multinational corporations- these companies may have their headquarters in their home country, but they have business locations all over the world

Multiple- many of something

Multilingual – a person can speak many languages

40. Polis - city

Megalopolis- areas where cities have grown so big they run into each other

Acropolis- in Ancient Greece, a city on a hill built for protection

Necropolis- In Ancient Greece, the “city of the dead”; a cemetary

Acro = height

Necro= death

ELA Gt Lesson Plans for week ending 11/24/17
ELA Gt Lesson Plans for week ending 11/24/17