Google Classroom

All student assignments will be posted weekly in Google Classroom.  Google Classroom is an excellent location for communication. In addition, the "Helpful Resources" topic, which will be posted in Google Classroom, will provide useful resources and information, such as the notebook format,  that the students can access to aid in their learning throughout the year.

In Google Classroom, assignments will be posted weekly and by consecutive numbers and dates for each assignment.

Students will also be keeping a notebook, either a composition notebook or a 1'' three- ring binder with notebook paper (student's preference),  which will be graded as a major assignment once a quarter.  The layout for the notebook will be explained in class and listed in Google Classroom.  While in high school, students will often be required to keep a notebook, and keeping a notebook builds essential organization and study skills. Therefore, keeping a functional notebook is more than just taking notes.  A functional notebook will also include a table of contents, graphics, student drawings (symbolic more than necessarily artistic), maps, and activities. Also, a good notebook should be organized by units so that students can use them to study.  Notebooks facilitate excellent study skills, especially when students work on them daily which aids in understanding and knowledge retention; therefore, a well-structured notebook aids in better test scores. Notebooks should display organization, neatness, and effort.