Ms. Thomas's

6th Grade World Cultures

Ms. Thomas

Currently Studying: Korean & African AmericanĀ  History


Hi! My name is Mara Thomas and I am so excited about having the opportunity to get to know you and your student. Here's a little about me to get us started!

I graduated from South Carolina State University and Concordia University. So far I've taught 6-8th grade Social Studies in South Carolina. Learning is my passion and you can often find me engaged with others discussing just about anything. Learning about different cultures and languages is especially interesting to me.Ā 

At home I can be found reading a good mystery or sci-fi book (if it has both, great!) If I'm not reading, I am either at one of my son's football or basketball games, or spending time with friends and family in a multitude of activities.Ā 

Contact Me!

Class: 864-355-1472



A face for the name!

Ms. Thomas's Schedule

Welcome from 6th Grade SS!

6th Grade Syllabus

MThomas_Syllabus 23-24
Copy of Copy of Student - Teacher Book Reccommendations