Signe Pereira, M.Ed 

Phone Number: 864-355-7924  

Class Website: 

REMIND: Text "@7h84h3 " to 81010


Sixth Grade Science is an integrated course that focuses on Scientific and Engineering Practices, Life Science, Earth Science, and Physical Science. Students will have the opportunity to investigate and explore objectives outlined in the 2014 South Carolina Academic Standards and Performance Indicators for Science. This will be accomplished through hands-on activities/labs, discussions, note-taking, problem solving, projects, and group and individual practice. This course is designed to enhance students’ understanding and appreciation for the true nature of science. Students will utilize the scientific method to identify and solve problems, apply science process skills to everyday situations, work cooperatively to achieve common goals, make connections between science concepts and current events, connect science and technology using computers and laboratory equipment, make scientific connections through the writing process, and explore how the sciences are interdependent. 

TEXTBOOK:  SAVVAS Easy Bridge Techbook, log into ​ with your​ school account. 



1. SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING​ ​PRACTICES​ (taught throughout the year)  

Asking questions, Developing and using models, Planning and carrying out investigations, Analyzing and interpreting data, using mathematics and computational thinking, constructing explanations, engaging in scientific argument from evidence, obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information, constructing devices or designing solutions.  

2. Physical Science: Matter and Waves

Students explore the interactions of matter and energy. This unit includes wave properties and behaviors, heat, and energy transfer. Students may build and design a device to minimize or maximize heat transfer. 

Students will use models to describe wave behavior.  Students will explore how waves are reflected, absorbed, or transmitted through various materials. 

3. Life Science: Molecules to Organisms: Structures & Processes 

Students explore the properties of living things. This unit includes opportunities for students to conduct investigations on cells, create models of the parts of the cell, and explore how groups of cells make up the human body. In addition, students will discover how the brain responds to stimuli and stores memories.  

4. Earth Science: Earth's Geologic and Atmospheric Processes

Students explore the geologic processes that shape earth. Topics include plate tectonics, meteor impacts, weathering, landslides, continental drift, and the geologic time scale. Students will apply their knowledge by using data on natural hazards to forecast and mitigate a potential catastrophic event.

Students explore the water cycle and weather patterns. They will develop models to understand how the uneven heating of earth and the rotation of earth determines the climate of a region.  Students will apply their knowledge by using data to forecast and mitigate a potential catastrophic event. 

Disclaimer: Because our primary goal is to maximize student achievement, material may be added, deleted, and/or substituted at the teacher's discretion based on the individual needs, levels, and learning styles of each class. Creative projects, written assignments and supplemental materials may be included throughout the year as opportunities arise. There will be on-going assessment as well as writing assignments. 


Every student is responsible for and expected to follow all rules and guidelines set forth in the Riverside Middle School Student Handbook regarding the attendance, tardy, and discipline policy. 

It is my goal that students are actively engaged and learning in my classroom. For students to be successful, they are expected to:

Laboratory Guidelines (Safety Contract)


Students are expected to be on time to class every day. Consequences for persistent tardiness to class will follow the disciplinary consequences below. 



Each consequence is based on the situation and is at my discretion. Consequences will generally follow the order of the following: 

1) warning

2) warning and parent contact

3) silent lunch and parent contact

4) office referral and parent contact. 

Any severe disruption or disciplinary infraction in class will result in an immediate office referral. 

Dismissal from Class: When the bell rings at the end of each period, I will dismiss the class. Students are free to go when I feel they are quiet and have all necessary information for the day.

Supply List: You will need the following items by August 31

1- Colored Pencils and Washable Markers 

2- Pens (preferable eraseable), Pencils, and Highlighters

3- Composition Notebook for Science Notes

4-Tape and replacement rolls 

5- Appropriate Reading Material (novel) (for when you finish early)

Students are discouraged from bringing the following items to class: whiteout, lotions, sprays, and electronic devices other than cell phones.

Grade Computation: This grading policy is in compliance with the Greenville County Schools’ policy. 

3 Major Assessments 50% (content tests, notebook tests, projects, formal writing assignments)

8 or more Minor Assessments 50% (quizzes, labs, classwork) 

Tests: Tests are announced at least 1 week in advance and dates will be posted in the classroom and on my website. Study guides/tools will be provided for each major test.

Grading Scale:

A=90-100 B=80-89 C=70-79 D=60-69 F=50-59

Homework: There is NO DAILY HOMEWORK for this class. The only daily thing that students need to do is to study at least 15 MINs per day. All classwork that is given should be done during class time. If a student requires MORE time to complete the assignment, then that assignment must be done by midnight that night or by midnight the date it is due. If students complete their work fully and with effort, they will not have any work at home. (Only exceptions are study guides for tests, and Projects which will be given at least a week in advance.) 

Late Work: Students may turn in late work up until the day of the major assessment. If the work is turned in between the deadline and the assessment, students will receive a maximum grade of 75%.  After the assessment, the grade will remain an NHI with a value of 50%. Please note: Late work cannot be accepted from a previous quarter, whether or not the assessment took place in the same quarter. 

Study Topics: Students will attend "Study Topics" time weekly. During this time, students will be provided with enrichment opportunities, extra help, and/or time to complete missing and make up work. All assignments completed during this time will support and be an extension of classroom instruction. 

Retake Policy: 

Missed Work from Absences/ Make-up Policy: Students who are absent have 5 days after returning to school to complete missed work. It is the student’s responsibility to get the assignments missed from Google Classroom and complete them within the allotted time to receive full credit. Students will need to make arrangements to stay after school in order to make up quizzes or tests. Students need to pre-arrange the date with me before planning to stay. Emergency situations and extended absences will be handled on an individual basis.

Extra Help: If your child is struggling in my class or would like extra help, I am available before and after school. Students/parents must arrange a time that suits the schedule of both parties ahead of time. 

Conferences: At any time, if you would like to meet with me, please contact the 6th Grade Guidance Counselor Heather Grupp, to set up an appointment.

E-mail: Parents and students are welcome to email me at I will periodically send emails to parents and students with important class information and reminders.

Teacher Website: Test and quiz dates, weekly planners, and other class information and study tools will be posted on my website at 

Google Classroom: All assignments, work links, readings, and due dates will be posted in Google Classroom

Text Blasts: Get connected to Ms. Pereira’s 6th grade science class! Sign up for REMIND text message reminders. Students and parents may subscribe for free! Sign up to receive periodic text message reminders from  by texting @7h84h3 to 81010.


I pledge to lead by example, emphasize personal excellence, and help you do your best. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any thoughts, suggestions, or concerns.  Let’s all work together to make this a very successful year! 

Signe Pereira, M. Ed.