你好 Nĭ Hăo!! (Hello!) I have had the incredible opportunity to visit Southeast China twice. Both times I was there for a month and a half, touring big cities like Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, and Macau, while working with Chinese students on their English. China and my students are now a huge part of who I am and if you look around my classroom, you will see the Chinese flag signed by all of my students, pictures of my students and friends, and many of the gifts they gave me. These are constant reminders of the amazing country that China is and that even though we have very different cultures and we are very different people, we can still be friends and can be continuously marked by the kindness and generosity of others.

My Chinese Students

These students were my students in China this summer. They are YFU students. YFU stands for Youth for Understanding which is an exchange student program. These students all came to America as exchange students in August of 2019. They are all high school students and most of them were in schools in various states along the East Coast.