eLearning 2020


eLearning Schedule

eLearning Lesson Plans 1.0

March 18th - April 2nd

NOTE: These eLearning plans are for all students with access to WiFi and internet. These plans and resources are posted in Google Classroom for all of the students, so each student should already be accessing these materials. Students will need all three attachments below to complete the assignments.

Parents, here are two very helpful links as you work to navigate eLearning and online platforms used by GCSD:

7-2 Hutcheson eLearning: 7th ELA: March 18 - March 31
eLearning Journal topics: 7th Grade ELA - Students' copy
Team 7-2 eLearning Vocabulary Words

If your child does not have WiFi or access to the internet at home, please consider either stopping by the BRMS front office for the eLearning Packets or see the eLearning Packets post below.

eLearning Packets 1.0

March 18th - April 2nd

eLearning Journal Entries March 18-March 31.pdf

These plans are assigned only for students who do not have access to WiFi or internet at home and cannot complete the eLearning assignments. These are the same worksheets and packets available in the BRMS front office. If you aren't able to print, please stop by the office for these resources.

If your child has access to the internet, please refer to the eLearning Lesson Plans posted above.

I'll be available to answer questions via email at ehutcheson@greenville.k12.sc.us:

Mondays - Fridays: 8:30 - 3:15

OFF (Make up day and Spring Break): April 10th and April 13th - April 17th