Mrs. Garrett

Film Studies - Yearbook - English 1 CP - Play Productions 

Room 808/810

Contact Information


Semester 1

1st Period 8:45-10:25- 

2nd Period 10:31-12:01- 

3rd Period 12:07-2:03 - Yearbook

4th Period 2:09-3:39- 

Semester 2

1st Period 8:45-10:25-

2nd Period 10:31-12:01-

3rd Period 12:07-2:03 - Yearbook

4th Period 2:09-3:39-

 Need Extra Help? 

Tutoring on Thursdays from 3:45-4:45, or by appointment* 

*If you have not made an appointment, or communicated with me that you will be late, you must be in my room (808) at 3:45 on Thursday for tutoring.