Class Photos

In 7th grade, we are reading Serafina and the Black Cloak. We got to visit the Biltmore and had a blast!

We love to read novels by doing literature circle roles. Each student has a different role: maybe passage master, illustrator, plot person, question maker, character sketcher, etc. Students look forward to their weekly discussion.

Before typing an essay on the chromebook, we always write a rough draft on paper first. Then, students edit each other's papers with post-it notes.

Fun times skyping my brother who is stationed in Djibouti for the Navy during CNN Student news time!

My Clemson graduate professor talked to us on Friday about Oaxaca, Mexico. This is one of the important settings in my 6th grade novel study on Becoming Naomi Leon.

Joel with his pet bunny!

Angel rocking the traditional Mexican attire

Carol looking wonderful!

Khari in traditional dress

Ms. Warner brought all sorts of souvenirs for us to study.

Quarter 1 Reading RIOT Quarter 1 Presentations Below!

My 7th grade skyped one of our favorite authors, Laura Resau.