Homework Policies

Reading: Each night (Monday-Friday) the students should read for 20 minutes or longer. They will need to document their reading in their Reading Log notebook.   Here is a link to a website with e-books for the students to read also. uniteforliteracy.com    

EPIC  https://www.getepic.com/students is available until 3:00p.m. FREE

Spelling: You may choose to study the words however is best for your child. They will NOT turn in Spelling homework to me. They DO need to be prepared to take the spelling test biweekly on Thursdays. I am using "Words Their Way" to differentiate spelling based on your child's needs. There words are on our class  Spelling City account. FREE activities for weekly spelling words. 

Math: Monday-Thursday Students will have a math sheet to review the concepts learned in class that day. Check over this with your child and return the next day. 

For Math facts practice use Reflex to learn those facts in 6 seconds or less. Students should sign in on their student Backpack-Education Apps. Dreambox is also available to reinforce the math skills they should know in Third Grade. 

Science & Social Studies: As needed to study for quizzes and tests. There will be some projects throughout the year. 

Students will be rewarded for every 8 stickers they earn on our Homework Club chart. They will need to complete both reading and math to earn a sticker.