Mrs. Saunders' Office Hours:  9:50 - 10:50 am Monday - Friday, 3:00 - 4:00 pm by appointment only.

Please e-mail Mrs. Saunders at or call (864)452-1223 for any questions, comments or concerns that you have and she will answer them during that time.

Mrs. Saunders has a bachelor's degree in Music Education from Converse College.  She has taught for 10 years.  She has taught orchestra for 8 years and chorus for 4 years.  She enjoys spending time with her husband, son and daughter and looking forward to her new baby girl in September.  Mrs. Saunders also enjoys performing music, crocheting and traveling.  Mrs. Saunders is always looking to learn, whether it is about history, the other arts or how to play other instruments or improving her singing skills. 

Feel free to contact Mrs. Saunders.


phone: (864)452-1223