Third Grade Syllabus


Parent/Teacher Relationship: 

I believe that a good parent-teacher relationship is necessary for maximum school success. Throughout the year I will communicate with you through weekly newsletters that go out on Friday, my website, and Tuesday folders. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns at any time. You can email me or call the school and leave a message. I will respond to all emails and messages within 24 hours Monday through Friday.


In our class, I expect students to follow the class code, try their best, and be kind to others. Besides the curriculum, we also work really hard on learning to become more responsible and independent problem solvers.

Class Code:

Raise your hand to share

Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself

Listen when someone is talking

Follow directions the first time

Treat everyone with kindness and respect 

Behavior Plan:

Positive reinforcement will be the primary behavior management tool. Each student will have a “punch card” with 10 spots. Once they punch all 10 slots they will get to trade in their card for a class coupon of their choice. If a student needs 2 or more reminders of our class code they will reflect on their choices with a reflection sheet. The reflection sheet will go home for the parent's signature and return to school the next day.


Students are recommended to read each night for 20 minutes and practice their math facts. Before tests students will get a study guide for homework to complete.

School Attendance:

Your child’s attendance is very crucial to their success and learning. Please see school as a priority. If your child is sick or absent please send in a written note with their name, date of absence, and reason for absence. There is also a link on the Buena Vista website to fill out an absence excuse online.

Changes in Transportation: 

If your child’s transportation changes please send in a  written note with their name, date, and change of transportation. If no note is received, your child will be sent home by his/her usual method of transportation. If you forget to send a note, please call the front office. Emails cannot be accepted as a method of changing transportation.

Class Materials

Please make sure your child brings a CHARGED Chromebook and all journals to school each day! 


A= 90-100

B= 80-89

C= 70-79

D= 60-69

F= 60 and below


Study guides are given a week prior to major tests. Study guides are not given for quizzes or daily grades. Grades will be posted to PowerSchool and majors will be sent home in Tuesday folders.

Grading Philosophy 

Differentiated and fair grading- The teacher takes into consideration all IEP, 504, ESOL, and required accommodations as part of fair/ differentiated grading. 

Rubrics are used to give clear expectations to the student prior to the assignment. The teacher and/ or students create rubrics to take the subjectivity out of grading and clarify the goal. 

Student self-assessment is used as a reflective tool in setting goals and holding the student accountable. They are not graded. 

Extra credit is only used if offered to all students such as a bonus question at the end of the test. 

Formative assessments are used to guide instruction such as grading class work assignments and are considered minor assessments. Summative assessments are considered major assessments and are chapter tests and projects at the end of instruction. 

Journal entries are graded using a rubric for math, science, social studies and reading but are based on a specific task not personal thoughts or entries. 

Weighting grades, minor and major assessments are used as set by the school district: 

Parent Backpack should be used to view your student's grades, lunch account balance, and other important information. Contact Buena Vista’s office to receive more information about setting up your account. Please click here to go to the Backpack for Parents website.


No birthday treats will be allowed in the lunchroom or classroom. PTA will provide a birthday treat, school-wide, once per month. We will celebrate summer birthdays in May. Birthday invitations may only be given out as long as each child in the class is invited.

School Visitor and Volunteer Guidelines:



Greenville County Schools (GCS), in an effort to ensure the safety of all of our students, has implemented additional security checks for school volunteers.  All volunteers must submit an online application to the district and receive clearance from the district before volunteering at any school/center or chaperoning any school field trip. 

Grade scale weighting