Ms. KC's

Math 6 & 678

Virtual Office Hours: 9:00 - 11:30 & 1:30 - 3:00


Please Use the following ELearning Links for

Assignments and Concept Review.

All eLearning assignments are posted on Google Classroom

2_KC_Math 6 Print.docx.pdf
2_Math_KC 6
3_Math_KC 6
3_Math_KC 678

We believe ...

  • The student is the center of the educational process.
  • Education is the shared responsibility of the student, home, school, and community.
  • All students can progress.
  • Each student is a valued individual with unique intellectual, physical, social, and emotional needs.
  • Students learn best in a safe, orderly, and inviting environment that provides opportunities for success.
  • Students learn best when they accept responsibility for being actively engaged with the teacher in the learning process.
  • Positive relationships and mutual respect among and between students and staff enhance students' self-esteem.
  • Students learn in different ways and should be provided with a variety of curricula, instructional approaches, activities, and assessments to support their learning.
  • A unified focus, state standards, and high expectations for all students and teachers should guide the development of curriculum and instructional strategies.
  • The school should provide educational experiences that actively engage students and enable them to demonstrate understanding of essential knowledge and skills, communicate effectively, solve problems competently, think critically and creatively, act responsibly, apply learning in meaningful contexts, and produce quality work.
  • Commitment to continuous improvement is critical for all students to achieve their maximum potential.