About Me


My name is Amanda Ellison, and I have been teaching Middle School ELA since 2014. My journey to education began when I was in High School. I decided to attend Oakwood University  where I earned my Bachelors in English Education. I began teaching at Blue Ridge Middle School and stayed there for 5 glorious years where I taught 6th and 7th Grade ELA. I then moved to Legacy Early College were I really grew as an 8th ELA for 3 years. 

In addition to having 100+ students, I also have an inquisitive daughter and wonderful husband (who also teaches at the middle school level). I am very active with my church and love to spend time with my family and friends in addition to traveling. 

I am very excited to be at Hughes Academy this year and expect 100% from each of my brilliant students! 

Blue Ridge Middle School


Legacy Early College 

Hughes Middle School