About Me

Welcome to Mrs. Caldwell's math classes. This year, students will participate in a rigorous curriculum involving either the Algebra I Honors or 8th Grade Math South Carolina state standards. We will be using our Carnegie Learning textbooks and Mathia to aid us in our journey through the math curriculum. I am looking forward to a year of learning and fun with my students.

A little bit about me...Wife, mother, daughter, sister, teacher, and friend.

Believer in the spirit and goodness of people.

Part of Greenville's community.

I have taught at GMA since 1998. Teaching 6th, 7th, and 8th grade has given me a diverse understanding of the middle school child. I have a BS in Education from Presbyterian College and a Masters in Education from Furman University. I have been a National Board Certified Teacher.

Here's what I believe:

Inside the classroom, the effective teacher is firm, fair and friendly.

High expectations build mutual respect.

Management limits wait time and practice is engaging.

Scaffolding is essential and challenge is imperative.

Intrinsic motivation encourages independent learning which opens student opportunities.

Interesting lessons hold the key.

To unlock the door is this teacher's dream!

Contact Me:

Phone: 355-5633

Email: hjohnsto@greenville.k12.sc.us