Rules and Behavior Policy

Classroom Rules and Behavior Policy

This year we hope to help each child develop self-discipline, respect for others, and individual responsibility.  We set clear and consistent expectations and routines to help your child develop responsible behavior. Our classroom rules are:

Your child will sometimes make mistakes, and may have to sit in time out as a consequence.  You will be contacted if your child shows the same behavior after several reminders.  Also, any kind of physical aggression (hitting, biting) will result in a phone call home.

I will send a communication folder home each Wednesday.  This will be used for sending paperwork, notes, money, etc.  A classroom Newsletter will be sent through Seesaw every Monday morning.

I am looking forward to this year of learning and growing with your child.  Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions by phone, email, or through Seesaw.