Classroom Goals/Expectations:

    "Growing Learners into an Awesome Team"


P​ractice being a friend

 ● Use kind words ● Share with others ● Include everyone 

A​lways be respectful 

● Raise your hand and wait to be called on ● Be an active listener ● Follow adult directions the first time 

W​ork to learn and grow

● Be prepared ● Complete all assignments on time ● Stay on task and focused ● Do your best and stay positive 

S​afety first 

                   ● Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself 

"PAWS"itive Behavior Classroom Goals - Color Code System: 

(Student Behavior Chart)

* All students begin each day on GREEN = “Ready to Learn”

1. If a classroom or school goal/rule is not followed, the student’s behavior chart color will be moved to  YELLOW = “Pause and think” about ways to make better choices. This is the student’s 1st warning. 

2. If a student displays another behavior concern for the school day, the student’s behavior chart color will be moved to YELLOW = Talk to the teacher to explain the inappropriate behavior and how they (student) plans to correct the behavior.  This is the student’s 2nd warning. 

3.  When a student's behavior is continuously distracting, impeding the learning of others and/or very severe discipline concerns, the student’s behavior chart color will be moved to RED = Parent(s) may be contacted via phone, email, written note on the student’s Monthly Calendar and/or a discipline referral to the office.  This is the student's 3rd warning.

 5. Students who have "outstanding behavior" throughout the school day will move up to BLUE="Great Day."  *All students have the opportunity throughout the day to move back to another color based on the appropriate positive behavior he/she displays. 

ALL students will start over on GREEN for the next school day. These positive behavior classroom goals/expectations are also used to reward students who manage their own behavior appropriately.