Hello and welcome to Mr. Lynch's  7th grade ELA class! The best way to keep up with what is happening in my class is by checking Google Classroom regularly. I will use Google Classroom to post assignments, study guides, notes and general announcements.

Please see the supply list tab on my website in order to make sure you have all materials needed for this class. We will use a composition book daily in ELA. You can leave this in my room on days when there is no homework and take it home when you need to study for a test or use it for assignments. It is the student's responsibility to have this composition book with him or her each day in class. Please have composition books purchased and at school by Monday, August 22nd so that you are ready to start taking notes and complete graded work!

Parents, please make sure that you have provided a working email address to the front office to enter in PowerSchool or enter it yourself when you sign up for GCS Parent Backpack. I will use these email addresses to add you to your child's Google Classroom. You can then receive automated weekly updates about assignment due dates and missing work. In addition, I use email addresses to communicate quickly about student progress. Please remember to check email regularly for communication. You can see my  contact information below. I am looking forward to a great year!

*Please visit my Google Classroom for lesson plans and assignments.  Parents, please contact me if you have not been added to your child’s Google Classroom.

*NHI=Not Handed In

*GFA=Grade Floor Applied

Thank you!

Mr. Lynch