Mr. White's Website
Algebra II, Pre Calculus, and Probability/Statistics
Greenville High School
Please join the period in which you have me:
1st Period (AP Statistics): Text the code @ghsstats25 to 81010 (the @symbol is part of the code)
2nd Period (AP Statistics): Text the code @ghsstats25 to 81010 (the @ symbol is part of the code)
3rd Period (Algebra 2 CP): Text the code @alg2cp3rd to 81010 (the @ symbol is part of the code)
Helpful Practice Sites & Tools
Khan Academy: Algebra, PreCal and Prob/Stat student's have access to mini review videos as well as practice questions for sections, practice quizzes, and practice tests. These units may be slightly different than the order taught in class, but will still find all material on there.
Desmos: Online calculator and graphing tool students can use if they don't have access to a graphing calculator outside of the classroom.