About Ms. Phend

This is my thirteenth year at Lakeview Middle School. I am highly qualified to teach English Language Arts. I am also certified to teach Science. I received a special endorsement to teach 'Gifted and Talented' Students through Furman University. I graduated from the University of Michigan with my B.A. in Education. I am pursuing a Masters degree in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) as well.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns about your child's education. I do offer dedicated tutoring each morning during BIC, so please remind your child to get a pass from me at the end of the day before they leave. That way they can come to my classroom for extra help. I am willing to work with any schedule, as I understand the difficulty of raising children while dealing with other obligations.

I can be reached at 355-6471. Please feel free to leave a message any time.

E-mail is also a very effective method of communication: mphend@greenville.k12.sc.us