GCS Virtual School

Assignments/ Test Prodecures

Late Work/ Make Up Policy

Assignments and Tests:

1) All assignments and tests are DUE on the day they are assigned.

2) You have until the end of the day to finish and turn in your work.

3) You may use your notes and a calculator (hand-held or the one on your Chromebook)

4) Please take your time ( No retakes for daily assignments)

MATHIA is assignment on a bi-weekly bases with no late work accepted.

5) You will receive an NHI for work not turned in on the day it is due.

6) If you make up work after the due date, please email me and include: a) your class period, b) the name of the assignment, c) the grade you made on the assignment.

7) If your parents email me, please have them include the same info along with your full name.

MAKE UP work needs to be done in a timely manner. (For example: Over 5 days late is too late)

Testing Procedures:

Testing Environment:

Students will be required to have their cameras on during testing and may be required to use the mic to communicate with teachers about any questions or concerns during the test.

Students will be required to put all other devices away during testing.

Plagiarism or cheating will result in a parent/teacher contact and the student will be assigned a failing grade for this assignment.

Requesting a Test Retake:

Redo/Retake Policy:

Learning is a process. We recognize that students learn at different rates and that while mastery of skills or standards remains the primary goal, students may require additional attempts in order to achieve success. In pursuit of giving students the opportunity to be successful, and in accordance with a growth mindset, the Virtual Program Middle School has set forth the following redo/retake policy.

Students may request one opportunity to redo each major-graded assignment unless otherwise determined by the teacher. Major labs, quizzes, and projects may also be eligible for Redo/Retake at the teacher’s discretion.

Minor assessments may be redone/retaken at the discretion of the teacher.

Students may NOT request a redo/retake on work turned in late.

Students must submit their request for a redo/retake within one school week of the graded assessment being returned.

Students will be expected to initiate the process for Redo/Retake.

Before an assessment is redone/retaken, students must complete a re-learning opportunity as determined by the teacher and agreed upon through a documented discussion between the teacher, student, and/or guardian. Re-learning opportunities may include independent learning tasks, review activities, Google Meet with a teacher for remediation, or other activities deemed appropriate by the teacher.

Students must complete any work related to the test. If not, they should prior to retaking any test.

Redo/Retakes for each quarter will be concluded by the end of the 7th week of each grading period to allow for evaluation of the work and feedback on the work submitted. This prevents an influx of requests within days of the end of a grading period.

Only the score of the retake will count; NOT an average of the initial assessment. The retake score is the new score. A grade should represent the most current understanding of the material.

Retake Test Request Form