Class Behavior Plan

Student Behavior Plan

In our class, we will be using Class Dojo. Your student will be eligible to earn points each day by following our 3 rules. Our class uses a behavior clip chart to give students a visual during the day. If students stay on the green square, they are rewarded 2 points for having a "good day". If students move up the clip chart, they will receive 3 points each time they move up. If a student is not following our 3 rules, they will receive verbal reminders to change the behavior. If students do not change their behavior, they will move down the clip chart resulting in losing 3 points each time they move down. Students will keep track of the points earned in class and will be eligible to receive a reward of their choice.

As a class, we use a score board to keep track of class goals. The class will work together to practice class rules and procedures. If the class accumulates enough points, they will receive a reward.