
hi there, i'm mrs. lareche.

I love music, people, Jesus, and coffee. Lots of coffee. I graduated from Bob Jones University in 2018 with a degree in Music Education. This is my 5th year teaching, and 5th year at Mauldin! My favorite color is pink right now, and I don't have a favorite song or movie because there are just too many good ones to choose from! I love to sing and play the piano. I lead worship at my church, enjoy my coffee time with friends and family, and love to travel. My husband, Marvell, and I got married in December 2018, and we have had lots of fun together! Hopefully you all will get to meet him sometime. We have a mini goldendoodle and his name is Red! He is the cutest ever! See pics below. :) I am actually from Florida, really close to the beach! I have a lot of family that still lives there. I am excited to meet you!

when I graduated college!

when I got married!

This is Red!

my husband <3

our family <3