Classroom Resources

Immigration Project.pdf

Social Studies Immigration Project

Updated Prosperity and Depression Menu Project.pdf

1920's Menu Project

For the Prosperity and Depression Unit in Social Studies, instead of a unit test we will have the students complete the Prosperity and Depression Menu project. Attached is the project description and “menu”, as well as the rubric that will be used for grading.Students are to choose one “appetizer”, one “main course”, and one “dessert” from the menu. Please note in the menu there are options for technology use at home, however, there are other options as well. *All suggested Apps are free. Students are required to use their Social Studies notes, and textbook to ensure they have accurate information for this project. However, I have also attached some websites that students can use.
Due Date: March 3, 2020Any Google Slides or electronic projects should be shared with me on Google Drive. (