
2022-2023: Mr. Little

Grade 4 Syllabus

Contact Information


Phone: 864-355-1320


Office Hours: Monday- Wednesday & Friday @ 10:30-11:15

Missed Work/Make-up Policy: All assignments need to be completed within five days after students return to school in order to receive credit. If it is not turned in within five days, it will be a zero in the gradebook. Assignments for a sick child can be requested by calling the school office at 355-1300. Assignments may be picked up after 2:00 p.m. in the school office.

Homework Policy: Homework will be given on an as needed basis. Students are expected to be reading nightly for 30 minutes. Students should also be practicing multiplication facts.

Grading System: The grading will consist of major grades – 40% (unit tests and projects) and minor grades – 60% (Daily assignments and weekly quizzes). Please see the GCSD Parent Portal for additional grading information.

Grading Scale:

A - 90-100

B - 80-89

C - 70-79

D - 60-59

F - 59 and below

Student Records: Permanent Records will be kept in the office at all times unless the teacher has checked them out.

Attendance and Tardy Policies: All students in South Carolina are expected to attend school 170 days of the 180 days in a school year in order to be promoted to the next grade. Excuses for absences from parents and doctors must be turned into the office within two days after the student returns to school.

Students will be allowed no more than 10 tardies or they may not receive credit for the class that is missed. Students will not be given perfect attendance certificates if tardy more than three times or if the student has an early dismissal more than three times per report period. Presentation of Rules and Procedures: The rules are explained on the first day of school. These rules are revisited as new students enter the class or as needed. Rules for Student Behavior:

1. Treat other people and their property with respect.

2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

3. Pay attention and follow directions.

4. Raise your hand or take turns to ask a question or make a comment. 5. Be prepared and try your best each day!

Positive incentives:


1. Tickets

2. Class rewards

3. Positive note home


1. Treat parties/ extra recess games

2. Eat lunch outside cafeteria

Procedures for Non-Instructional Routines:

1. Mornings: Students wait quietly outside in the hallway by their classroom door and read or study. Attendance and lunch count are taken in the mornings at 7:45 while students complete morning work. If morning work is finished early students may read a book quietly. 2. Restroom: Students will be allowed to go during transition times, not instructional times, except during emergency situations. (During hybrid model- students will take a class restroom break two times a day)

3. Trash: Students who need to dispose of trash are asked to wait until directed instructional time is over. They need to ask for permission. If given permission, the students should find their way to the trash can quickly and quietly.

4. Pencils: Each student needs to have a sharpened pencil prepared for the school day. Pencils are to be sharpened in the morning or at the end of the day. Pencils are not to be sharpened during instructional time.

5. Lunch: Students are to go through their designated lunch line quietly. Students will be eating in the cafeteria until further notice.

6. Dismissal: Bus and van riders are to be dismissed at 2:15 to the bus loading area. Car riders are to remain in their classroom quietly and watch to see when their name pops up on the promethean board.

7. Emergency Situations: If there is a fire drill, the students are to immediately get quiet, stand up, and line up at the door. The students are to follow their teacher to the back of the track and are to stay absolutely quiet. The first person in line is in charge of the emergency bag. This backpack is taken with the class whenever they leave the room. This includes related arts, lunch, and recess. Weather related emergencies students remain in the building and remain calm and quiet as the teacher calls the class roll. All students sit on the floor with their hands protecting the neck area. In the event of an earthquake students are to quickly protect themselves under their desk and remain calm and quite. During lock down

all students remain in the classroom in a designated corner of the room. Students are to remain still and silent until notification from the office.

Communication with Parents:

1. I will send out a weekly newsletter via remind each Sunday night.

2. Conferences will be held during the 1st and 3rd nine weeks period. The teacher may choose to have additional conferences with the parents if needed.

3. I will send out announcements through the REMIND app.

4. I also am available through email and phone. ( (864-355-1320)

Science Outline

First Nine Weeks: Light and Sound.

Second Nine Weeks: Stars and the Solar System, Weather.

Third Nine Weeks: Weather and Climate, Characteristics and Growth of Organisms. Fourth Nine Weeks: Characteristics and Growth of Organisms and PASS review.

Reading Outline (May very depending on the reading needs, and Balanced Literacy Program)

First Nine Weeks: First 20 Days of our Reading Workshop, Fiction Skills and Non Fiction Skills and Closely Reading Complex Text.

Second Nine Weeks: Learning through Reading and Reading and Text Based Evidence.

Third Nine Weeks: Comparing/Contrasting-Tackling Complex Text and Learning through Reading.

Fourth Nine Weeks: Testing as a Genre and Developing Identities as Nonfiction Readers. Math Outline

First Nine Weeks: Applying Place Value Concepts in Adding and Subtraction, Using Multiplication and Division Strategies, Composing and Decomposing Fractions for Adding and Subtraction, Exploring Factors and Multiples

Second Nine Weeks: Understanding Fraction Equivalence and Comparison, Introducing Measurement Conversions, Solving Problems Using Multiplicative Comparison, Solving Measurement Problems using Operations

Third Nine Weeks: Solving Measurement Problems using Operations, Solving Addition and Subtraction Problems with Fractions, Angle Measurement, Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers

Fourth Nine Weeks: Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers, Comparing Decimal Fractions, Recognizing and Analyzing Attributes of 2-D Shapes, Problem Solving with Whole Numbers and End of the Year Testing Review

Social Studies Outline

First Nine Weeks: Native Americans, Exploration, Settlement of the United States Second Nine Weeks: Colonies Unite and a Nation Emerges

Third Nine Weeks: Motivations to Expand and Effects of Expansion

Fourth Nine Weeks: A Nation Divided, Rebuilding a Nation

Writing/ELA Outline

First Nine Weeks: Narrative Writing - Revisiting Narratives and Realistic Fiction, Opinion Writing: Personal/Persuasive Essays

Second Nine Weeks: Opinion Writing - Literary Essays, Informational Writing: Growing as Writers

Third Nine Weeks: Informational Writing: Growing as Writers, Narrative writing - Narrative Craft Fourth Nine Weeks: Testing as a Genre - Writing, Informational Writing - History Comes to Life