About Me

Hi! My name is Cyndi Lichoulas. I have lived in the Greenville area for nineteen years. I had an interesting childhood and we moved around often due to my father's job. I was born in London, England. Then over the next eighteen years I lived in Virginia, Texas, Japan, South Carolina, The Philippines, and California. After graduating from The College of Charleston, I taught in the Charleston area for eleven years. I am embarking on my thirtieth-first year. I have taught Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, and Fourth Grade. I received my undergraduate degree from the College of Charleston. I received my masters degree in reading from the Citadel. I am married to an engineer named Ted. I also have a twenty year old son named Riley. Besides possessing a great love of children, I also am an animal lover! I presently have a pomeranian dog named Chloe and an American Eskimo mix named Finn. We adopted Finn from Animal Care. I discovered him when I was volunteering there We also have a thirty gallon salt water aquarium that is home to clowns, puffer fish, a giant shrimp, and some yellow-tailed blue damsels. I enjoy attending exercise and yoga classes, gardening, biking, reading, and traveling.