Career Corner

True or False: I can grow up to have a career that I love based on my skills and interests....

Answer: TRUE.

Welcome To Hollis Academy's Career Corner Page!

Hollis Academy is committed to teaching our students about the large variety of traditional and nontraditional career opportunities available to them in the future. Hollis Academy's career development curriculum follows the American School Counseling Association's National Standards For Students.

During classroom counseling lessons, students will take interest inventories to help them decide which career cluster they would be best suited for. They are listed here:

The 16 Career Clusters

The National Career Clusters® Framework provides a vital structure for organizing and delivering quality Career and Technology Education programs through learning and comprehensive programs of study. In total, there are 16 Career Clusters in the National Career Clusters Framework, representing more than 79 Career Pathways to help students navigate their way to greater success in college and career.

As an organizing tool for curriculum design and instruction, Career Clusters provide the essential knowledge and skills for the 16 Career Clusters and their Career Pathways. It also functions as a useful guide in developing programs of study bridging secondary and post secondary curriculum and for creating individual student plans of study for a complete range of career options. As such, it helps students discover their interests and their passions, and empowers them to choose the educational pathway that can lead to success in high school, college and career. South Carolina recognizes these 16 career clusters offered at various schools across the state.

The nationally recognized career clusters are represented by the South Carolina-specific documents linked below. These guides support efforts by school guidance personnel, career specialists, students, and parents as course-taking choices and career decision making activities take place and may be found in more detail at the South Carolina Department of Education website.

Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources

Architecture and Construction

Arts, A/V Technology and Communications

Business, Management and Administration

Education and Training


Government and Public Administration

Health Sciences

Hospitality and Tourism

Human Services

Information Technology

Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security


Marketing, Sales and Service

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

Check out these fun career websites to see which cluster might be right for you!

Career View

Kid's Work



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The NED Show

For the older student and parents:


