About Me

The love of reading is a bond for life. It is this bond that I hope to provide an opportunity for discovery for each and every one of my students. Indeed, my favorite moment in the classroom occurs when a student discovers a piece of literature that creates a connection and kindles inspiration. I cannot even begin to describe how fired up I feel when I see that moment click! On a personal note, some of my favorite novels include: The Poisonwood Bible, Life of Pi, The Secret Garden, Alas Babylon, Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, Little Women, The Things They Carried, The Book Thief and an unadulterated adoration for the entire Harry Potter series.

On the other end of the spectrum, I have also developed a deep bond with the mountains just north of my classroom window; I LOVE to hike. In addition to South Carolina's foothills, I have also hiked hundreds of miles of the Appalachian Trail, ventured on several backpacking adventures in the French Pyrenees Mountains and I've been fortunate enough to have explored almost all our nation's beautiful national parks. Some favorites include Zion, Acadia, Big Bend and Sequoia National Park.

At the base of the mountains I love and at a school that continues to amaze me, I look forward to teach, learn and grow with all of you.